Monday 2 March 2009

Committee Meeting Jan 2009

Worcester Raiders Football Club
Minutes of Committee Meeting
Held at The Plough Tibberton on 18th January 2009

F Serrano, G Wolfe, C Davies, L Jones, K Jenkins, M Jenkins, L Jenkins R Wyatt D
Holmes J Rock S Tooth S Snelling P Wolfe


Chairman’s Report
FS welcomed all. FS advised he had established a Group on Facebook and
encouraged all to sign up to the group.

Secretary’s Report
Correspondence already circulated.
Advised that Respect barriers has been ordered but no delivery date had yet been
Suggested looking at a single training slot on a mutually agreeabke time and date so
all Club could train at same venue at same time

Treasurer’s Report
Jon advised he was coming to terms with paperwork and had requested copies of
documents and statements not already in his hands to ensure subs etc are up to date.
JR hoped to have set of accounts ready in the near future.

CWO Update
No CWO had yet been appointed as the person would need to have a current and valid
CRB search and have completed the Protecting Children workshop. As Mandi
Jenkins was one of a few who held the full set she generously volunteered to step into
the role.
CWOand Child Protection courses are in March and May and applications will be
made to ensure the Club has adequate cover.
GW and FS to meet up with Jaynie and get the CWOm paperwork from her.

Coaches/ Football Update
U14 Craig advised just won first game. Team playing good football and whilst
promotion has given them a challenge he is pleased with the efforts and quality of

Chairmans Shield to be handed over to Craig for 2007/2008 season

U10 Stuart advised he had 11 palyers albeit 5 remain playing above age. Ideally
would like to split team next year and those playing above age could stay at U10.
Generally pleased with progress in the first season.

U11 Kev advised following promotion they are 4th in League and in quarter final of
cup. Squad of 12 and playing well albeit some players are not very strong.

Fund Raising etc
Whilst karen had been doing fundraising her absence was noted and it was agreed FS
would drop her a note accordingly. In the meantime we should start to plan to ensure
we statrt some impetus.

Looking to arrange Presentation Evening but not sure about venue. Rugby Club has
been ruled our due to cost so alternatives being sought (eg Perdiswell etc).
Another tournament will be arranged for May/June. Locations etc will be considered
to enable pitches etc to be established.

Bed Push to be considered with adults and kids gaining sponsorship. A date has yet
to be determined

Penalty shoot out sponsorship has worked before and this is something that may be

Was agreed it would be good to arrange an Easter social event for all to enjoy.
Options to be considered.

Coaches to start to consider the trophies they would want for presentation evening
Update to be given at next committee meeting

Any Other Business
Next Meeting at Plough Tibberton 22nd February at 6pm

Friday 16 January 2009

Committee Meeting Minutes Dec 2008

Worcester Raiders Football Club
Minutes of Committee Meeting
Held at The Plough Tibberton on 21st December 2008


F Serrano, G Wolfe, C Davies, L Jones, K Jenkins, M Jenkins, L Jenkins
Apologies R Wyatt, J Rock, S Snelling

Chairman’s Report
FS welcomed all. Advised he would like to send out a Christmas message and requested e-mail addresses to be passed to him.

E-mail details to FS.

Secretary’s Report
Correspondence already circulated.

Advised that Council wish to “sweat assets” and are now charging for any “organised” use of open space. Coaches advised accordingly and that thought would need to be given to how training takes place in Summer etc without being charged £50 per session.

Respect Campaign will feature in 2008 and a reminder to get everyone signed up re codes of conduct etc.
3 sets of barriers have been ordered/purchased albeit still waiting League to advise of availability.

Treasurer’s Report
Jon could not be present so no update available..

Football Update

All teams performing reasonably well.

Any Other Business

The Parents v Coaches match was discussed and certain events that arose during and after the game. Disappointing that certain individuals behaviour was at odds with our own Codes of Conduct and the behaviour expected as part of the Respect campaign.

New Committee members needed CRB checks asap. J Parkes to be contacted to see if
she could assist.

For CWO the CRB search should be effected prior to taking office.

The office of CWO was discussed at length and further discussions to take place at next meeting.

Next Meeting at Plough Tibberton 18th January at 6pm

Sunday 7 September 2008

AGM 2008

AGM was held at Goodrest last week. Minutes to follow.

The Club needs more volunteers to join the Comittee. Contact your Coach for details or come to the Parents Evening. Details on the Home page.

Monday 9 July 2007


As mentioned at Presentation Night, the AGM will be held immediately after the Recruitment Day. All remaining committee members are already block nominated for the upcoming season. We still have plenty of places on the Committee, so if you would like to join please e-mail Graham Wolf or myslef and turn up on the day.

If anyone would like to apply for the post of Chairman, Vice, Secretary, Treasurer then please e-mail Graham with a seconder's details and your nomination will be very welcome.

The AGM should not last more than an hour and if it's a sunny day we'll either hold it on the football pitch or at the nearest pub.

Hopefully we'll be able to get minutes and agendas out in time, but the key issue to vote on is to make the Club 100% monthly subscription by standing order. We will also need to vote on the fees.

See you there.

Wednesday 13 June 2007

Committee Meeting Jun 12

Present: F Serrano; D Brown; C Davis; L Jones; K Handley; K Jenkins; Peter

Apologies: G Wolfe, Mr & Mrs Abram-Parkes

1. Presentation night to go ahead. Latest headcount estimates 100 adults; 100 kids

2. Volunteers wishing to help set up the evening to arrive after 3pm on the day

3 AGM to be held at 6.15 on 7th July at Sixways, just before Presentation Night. Block nominations taken place for existing committee plus K Handley & L Jones. Some new potential coaches also to qualify once theyt accept their position. Nominations for Officers to be received by the Club Secretary before 1 July.

4. Dragon boat racing to go ahead. Sponsorship forms to be distributed ASAP by Karen

5. Recruitment Day will go ahead on 14 July. Darren B to confirm venue, probably Northwick
Everyone to make best efforts to recruit players, coaches and wayward teams.

6. Coaches: Darren to pursue RG; Craig to pursue Mr R;

7. Please all check the Committee Contact List attached and send FRSur corrections


Monday 11 June 2007

Open Letter to Departing Players posted June 2007

Worcester Raiders Football Club

Monday, 11 June 2007


I’m writing to you as you have been a member of a Worcester Raiders team which has now elected to leave and join a new club run by Darren and Maxine Evans.

Firstly, I want to thank you for your support and participation over this season. I hope to see you at the Presentation Night on July 7th at Sixways. You will be very welcome.

Contrary to what anyone else has told you, please make sure that you purchase your tickets before the night. Tickets must be purchased in advance through your coach or the organisers Karen Hanley ( and Liz Jones (

Secondly, I would like to say how sorry I am to see you go. I understand that if a Coach and a number of disgruntled parents choose to leave, then there is not much I can do to stop this from happening. A team always wants to stick together and I fully support that.

I was, however, disappointed to discover that after leaving WRFC, some of you have not been welcome at the new club. You have been told that you are not welcome next season.

From the discussions I have had with some of your parents, it was my understanding that the whole purpose of you leaving was that the teams could stick together. This has proven not to be the case. Those of you that have been ejected must feel disappointed as probably will some of your team-mates.

I would like to point out that you are always welcome to continue playing at Worcester Raiders.

It has always been our policy to try and include all players and this will continue. If you would like to stay with WRFC, please let your parents know and please get them to contact me or Graham Wolfe the Club secretary.

We have already received a number of requests from children and parents from the ‘departing’ teams and we are doing everything we can over the next few weeks to try and get you a team for next season.

I will be happy to discuss this further on Presentation Night, alternatively please e-mail me (

Thanks for your time and have a great summer holiday!

Francisco Serrano (Chairman)

Friday 11 May 2007

WRFC Committee Minutes April 2007

Worcester Raiders Football Club
Minutes of Committee Meeting
Held at Goodrest on 2nd April 2007


F Serrano, J Parkes, P Abram, D Brown, C Davies, A Sanghera, D Evans, M Evans, K Handley, L Jones


G Wolfe, K Jenkins, P Tyler


The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Matters Arising

The CWO briefing is required as all Leagues require each Club to have a CWO. This item should be included in the June meeting agenda. GW to record as agenda item for June.

Chairman’s Report

FS welcomed Andy and Will to Club. Likewise FS advised that E Tyler had resigned from the Club Committee. FS advised that he was pushing to enhance the growth of the Club. DB would be representing Club at a WFA Charter Standard meeting on 11th April. FS would like details of sponsors to be e-mailed to him for inclusion on the website. E-mail sponsors details to FS.

Secretary’s Report

Nothing further to correspondence already circulated.

Treasurer’s Report

Bank looking healthy with c£4.2k. Noted that U16 not up to date with subs. Agreed that DD would be pushed for next season.

Club Welfare Officer Report

ID re A Sanghera still required. E-mail details of each CPO and which teams they relate to together with contact number and date CPO renewal due.

Football Update

All teams performing reasonably. AS to go for L2 coaching course
Next meeting will allocate 10-15 minutes to discuss 2007/2008 strips.

Fund Raising

Presentation night organised and the meeting in June would be the cut off for tickets to firm numbers. Entry will by ticket only, with no “on door” entry.

Dragon Boat race set for June 17th. DB to captain boys boat, PA to captain Adult boat. Teams consist of 16 + drum + 4 reserves.
Recruitment day to be scheduled after Dragon Boat race and before Presentation Night.

Any Other Business

Details re Presentation evening

Only registered players with up to date subs to receive trophy.
Consideration to give certificate to people who have regularly attended training but not registered to play. Coaches to arrange ballot with registered players for “players player”.
WRFC Merit Award for players who “contribute” to team.

All coaches to send list of registered players names, parents names, contact No’s and e-mail addresses to JP prior to next meeting.