Saturday 10 March 2007

WRFC Committee Minutes Jan 2007

Worcester Raiders Football Club
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 15th January 2007
At Skittle Alley, Goodrest Worcester


Francisco Serrano, Phil Abram, Graham Wolfe, Jaynie Parkes, , Darren Evans, Paul Tyler, , Craig Davies

1. Apologies

Darren Brown and Kevin Jenkins.

2 Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated and were approved.

3 .Matters Arising

Users having difficulties with the web site should advise FS re password settings.
The log of children playing is being maintained and to date no further grumbles have been heard.

4 Chairman’s Report

FS advised that he was pleased that the committee could now refocus on footballing matters. Regarding the complaints raised by the Burton family FS advised that the Club Disciplinary Committee had been convened and agreed to meet both parties in order to fully investigate the issues raised. Prior to this Worcester FA were contacted and full guidance was sought as to how to deal with the issue and clarity was sought as to child protection issues. The nature of the complaint and details provided indicated that no child protection issues existed. It was also agreed that the Club would only look at matters involving the Club and any comments relating to outside of WRFC were outside of scope.

Whilst the meeting with Mrs Tyler took place the meeting with the Burton family was cancelled by the Burton family. On the evidence to hand and with other considerations it was agreed by the Club Disciplinary Committee that there was no case regarding child protection issues. The CDC also felt that in light of actions by the Burton family there was no option but to exclude Mrs Burton from the club. An unfortunate consequence of this action was that the Burton children would no longer be able to participate in Club activities and as such it was felt that they should seek an alternative Club. The CDC regretted the consequence of the action, but the issue remained one of family dispute that football could not bridge. The CDC hoped the children would find a suitable Club in which all parties could enjoy football.. Fs advised that the whole affair had been very time consuming and had been handled in line with Club rules, FA guidance and with a desire to gain resolution. FS stated that the matter was now closed.

5 Secretary Report

The secretary had circulated all correspondence by e-mail.
The following items were advised:
GW thanked JP and PA for attending the Club Welfare seminar held by WFA. WRFC are now a leading light having already appointed a CWO and we have already met the new requirements that will be enforced by the League in 2007-2008 season. The League acknowledged that we are ahead of the game and stand in a strong position. Likewise WFA have complimented us on our foresight and commitment to the process..
GW restated that we need to consider the Charter Standard renewal process.
DE and ME had advised that were standing down from their non-coaching responsibilities. FS thanked both Darren and Maxine for their contributions.

6 Treasurer Report

Account reveals c2.7k in bank, There is still some discrepancy re Subs a review had taken place and coaches will be advised of instances of SO failure and seek method of correcting.

7 Club Welfare Officer Report

JP updated committee on the recent workshop advising that Welfare is now more rigorous and detailed. It was agreed that JP should give a brief update of the key points to all coaches at a future meeting before the start of next season to ensure everyone understand the new requirements primarily focused on child abuse.
JP to update coaches at future meeting.

8 Coaches Report

Brief update from all coaches (present) was received. Nothing of concern. noted.
FS requested that a general football update is more appropriate in future to cover all teams rather than a need to segregate girls and boys football. FS also asked for all coaches to try and get together on a regular basis once a formula had been worked out.
BD to be approached to see what can be established.

9 Girls Update

See above.
Fund raising
Noted that the Tesco sports vouchers had passed the “sell by” date.
Karen Handley has shown a willingness to assist our fund raising activities and will be invited to the next meeting..

13 Any Other Business

FS agreed to attend next MFJFL meeting in GW absence.

Next meeting to be held on 5th March., 2nd April and 7th May.