Sunday 1 April 2007

WRFC Committee Minutes March 2007

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on th March 2007, Skittle Alley, Goodrest, Worcester


Francisco Serrano, Phil Abram, Darren Brown, Graham Wolfe, Darren & Maxine Evans, Paul Tyler, Craig Davies,Karen Handley, Liz Jones, Kevin Jenkins, Will Stelling, Andrew Sanghera, Paul Amster

1. Apologies

Jaynie Parkes.

2 Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated and were approved.

3 Matters Arising

Darren Brown will try and get update from each manager prior to meetings.

CWO briefing to be given at a future meeting.

4 Chairman’s Report

FS advised that he had a letter from Darren Evans stating that he would be leaving the Club at the end of the season to establish a new club with an U15 boys team possibly a girls team.

FS introduced 2 new coaches (Andrew and Will) who wished to take an active coaching role. FS sought input from other coaches as to who was willing to continue in 2007 – 2008 season.

FS advised he had set up the website and would contain minutes etc of past meetings.

FS invited Liz and Karen to join the committee to assist with fundraising.

FS stated that Elaine Tyler had stepped down from the committee but now that matters has resolved stated we should consider Elaine rejoining. The matter was dully proposed and seconded and Elaine was to be invited back to rejoin the committee.

5 Secretary Report

The secretary had circulated all correspondence by e-mail.

The following items were advised:

GW had corresponded with WFA and League re state of pitches at Perdiswell.

Coaching course costs for L1 are £60 for Charter Standard clubs. It was proposed and seconded that the Club would pay such costs for new coaches to coach next season.

Details of a First Aid course were advised for 3rd April at a cost of £15 per person. It was agreed all coaches present for 2007 – 2008 season could attend with cost absorbed by Club. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Secretary for details.

All coaches were reminded to send secretary the pink forms and away game details

6 Treasurer Report

Account reveals c3.7k in bank, First aid kits are to be restocked ASAP.
Whist there was still some issues with subs it is agreed that DD will be the way forward for next season.
FS gave PA and JP many congratulations on their forthcoming wedding..

7 Club Welfare Officer Report

PA apologised for delay in replenishing First Aid kits, but stressed it would be done soon..

8 Football Update

Congratulations given to U14 team for reaching Cup Final on 6th May..

9 Fund raising

WRFC had been booked for 7th July. For the presentation evening. Tickets would be £7 adult and £3 child. Tickets are ready and a disco has been booked. Darren Evans in conjunction with other coaches will select trophies. Local businesses have been contacted for raffle prizes and some have been obtained.

It was proposed to enter a dragon boat race in June. More details to be obtained by Karen..

It was thought that the recruitment day and coaches v parents match could be held on one day and make it a big event, published in conjunction with the dragon boat race

13 Any Other Business


Next meeting to be held on, 2nd April and 7th May.