Friday 11 May 2007

WRFC Committee Minutes April 2007

Worcester Raiders Football Club
Minutes of Committee Meeting
Held at Goodrest on 2nd April 2007


F Serrano, J Parkes, P Abram, D Brown, C Davies, A Sanghera, D Evans, M Evans, K Handley, L Jones


G Wolfe, K Jenkins, P Tyler


The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Matters Arising

The CWO briefing is required as all Leagues require each Club to have a CWO. This item should be included in the June meeting agenda. GW to record as agenda item for June.

Chairman’s Report

FS welcomed Andy and Will to Club. Likewise FS advised that E Tyler had resigned from the Club Committee. FS advised that he was pushing to enhance the growth of the Club. DB would be representing Club at a WFA Charter Standard meeting on 11th April. FS would like details of sponsors to be e-mailed to him for inclusion on the website. E-mail sponsors details to FS.

Secretary’s Report

Nothing further to correspondence already circulated.

Treasurer’s Report

Bank looking healthy with c£4.2k. Noted that U16 not up to date with subs. Agreed that DD would be pushed for next season.

Club Welfare Officer Report

ID re A Sanghera still required. E-mail details of each CPO and which teams they relate to together with contact number and date CPO renewal due.

Football Update

All teams performing reasonably. AS to go for L2 coaching course
Next meeting will allocate 10-15 minutes to discuss 2007/2008 strips.

Fund Raising

Presentation night organised and the meeting in June would be the cut off for tickets to firm numbers. Entry will by ticket only, with no “on door” entry.

Dragon Boat race set for June 17th. DB to captain boys boat, PA to captain Adult boat. Teams consist of 16 + drum + 4 reserves.
Recruitment day to be scheduled after Dragon Boat race and before Presentation Night.

Any Other Business

Details re Presentation evening

Only registered players with up to date subs to receive trophy.
Consideration to give certificate to people who have regularly attended training but not registered to play. Coaches to arrange ballot with registered players for “players player”.
WRFC Merit Award for players who “contribute” to team.

All coaches to send list of registered players names, parents names, contact No’s and e-mail addresses to JP prior to next meeting.